Brief, engaging videos in the style of a graphic novel that address compliance and ethical scenarios. 

Suggestions for Use:
 – Daily/Weekly Briefings: Show a micro-video at the beginning of team meetings as a quick ethics reminder. 
– Social Media: Share on corporate social channels to increase awareness. 
– Intranet: Keep a collection on the company intranet for easy access.

Quick Q&A: Use of Company Resources

Schedule a demo today to get full trial access and watch the rest of these Quick Q&A Videos:

Quick Q&A: Data Privacy & Security

Quick Q&A: Conflict of Interest

Quick Q&A: Harassment & Discrimination

Quick Q&A: Insider Trading

Quick Q&A: Workplace Safety

Quick Q&A: Intellectual Property

Quick Q&A: Non-Retaliation

Quick Q&A: Bribery & Corruption – Hiring Relatives

Quick Q&A: Confidential Information

Quick Q&A: Social Media Use

Quick Q&A: Bribery & Corruption – Material Substitution

Quick Q&A: Anti-Money Laundering

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